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Someone Who Doesn’t Want My Money

My stepmother was very generous in her old age, giving money to charities that came in the mail.  After she passed away, I was given the task to terminate all her contributions.  Those who received my calls expressed regret, but also appreciation for all that she had given.

I give sparingly, and definitely not to charities.  I have a different view about organizations.  My money is spent on knowledge.  I pay dearly, with my savings, to Alan Rinzler, who edited The Painted Skin.  From his editing I learn how to bring a theme forward and keep it focused.  Unlike poetry, which is concise, a book-length work is far more intricate and demanding in form.

Alan Kaufman, my teacher in prose writing, said every writer should have a book-length work.  A book of something is easier to sell than poetry.  He may be right, but I’m still looking for that illusive agent, someone who doesn’t want my money.
