Sometimes it takes hours to write a sentence. Sometimes it takes no time to finish a poem. Inspiration cannot be controlled. It comes when it comes, and it can happen at the most inconvenient time.
I met Li-Yong Lee at the Squaw Valley Writers Conference in 2001, when he was one of the faculty poets. We found a little time to chat at the baseball field, waiting in line for Galway Kinnell to teach us klutz how to bat. Lee told me he worked in a warehouse during the day, stacking boxes. He wanted a job that did not require thinking. Being available when the muse visits is part of an artist’s life.
Is the wild card
Is like falling
In love
You got it
Deal with it
(Or not)
Jack Spicer
(Stealing the idea from Cocteau)
The Poet
Is a Radio.
He also said