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Sacred Grounds Clerihews

Dan Brady, host of the Sacred Grounds Reading Series

There’s nothing like getting obsessed over writing these paired and rhymed couplets. It’s a great way to learn about exact rhymes. My over-the-top enthusiasm is a bit scary for Jack Foley. He keeps shaking his hands: Stop! Stop! Quality, please. 

Well, just a few more, for the Sacred Grounds poets:

Laurie Hampton prints a poem
more stylish than a Russian goem

“Justice” is she
Say, can you see?


Bill Mercer dips his brushes
to make smudges and rushes

Buddha by the bayou
cooks red bean and rice for you


Don Brennan
fires a cannon

aims at the Empire
stakes it like a vampire

From Sacramento comes Kellyann Conway
with her GPS there’s only one-way

to Sacred Grounds she goes
on her tippy toes


Greg Pond
calm as a frond

takes you into darkness
exposes interior starkness

Deirdre Evan’s crypt
is plainly in her script

She is Mother Goose
who has since run loose

Christopher Trian gives you a head
in paint, without the lead

He’s tall as a tower
and boy, his voice is power

Carlos Ramirez dances
goes into trances

time is lost
in the frost

Owen Dunkel writes
the metaphor of kites

high flying are they
before diving into the bay


Buford Buntin has a story
that has nothing to do with fiori

he gives a helping hand
to a fallen kid in the sand


Foley starts the clerihews
When Hsu attempts they lose their hues

He begs her to stop
before the verses go flop


2 thoughts on “Sacred Grounds Clerihews”

  1. Clara, it’s a mystery without a clue
    Clara, why some rhymes won’t alway fit the shoe

    — I mean the ear; the word looks the right size
    yet the sound turns left; nyet your playful wink tells all by eye.

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