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The Golden Years

The illusion of the term is hardly big enough to cover up the reality. The years are not golden but dimming, confusing, difficult and lonely. My father’s doctor gave him a clean bill of health. “You have a good, strong pulse. As for the other complaints, I’ll do what I can to fix them, but most things are not fixable.”

The decline is sudden, noticeable, followed by a period of  improvement, which brings hope, soon to be shattered. Unlike birth, which makes a clean break from the womb, the return is often filled with lingering and sadness.

“What to do?” Father asked me. He is forever purposeful.


Dying the Grey

I remember my first white hair, an angry sign post stood on the top of my head. I plucked it out, only to find more springing up.  I went to the hair dresser.  She dyed my hair midnight black, but those pesky little white roots could not be hidden.   Who was I fooling?

Turning grey is no big deal once this aging thing is accepted.  Wear it proudly.  After all it is earned. In fact,  there are privileges like getting a seat on the bus and discount at Ross—bless their hearts—10% discount if you’re 55 and older.  I gladly show them my driver license.

