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Reading a Thunder Word

It was my luck, just when I summoned enough courage to read out loud a page of Finnegans Wake at the reading group, to come upon a “Thunder Word”: “Bladyughfoulmoecklenburg-whurawhorascortastrumpapornanennykocksapastippata-ppatupperstrippuckputtanach, eh?  You have it alright.”

This particular word was made up of words that had to do with “whore”.

There were ten Thunder Words in the book, each one was made up of 100 letters, except the last word, which had 101 letters.  The total number of letters added up to 1001—which reminded us of the continuous stories in the Arabian Nights.

I wonder if Scheherazade reads Finnegans Wake to her husband whether her head would be on a plate the next morning…
