Imagine applying for a job and don’t have to fill out a form stating your sex, age, ethnicity and/or sexual orientation. Your eligibility for hire is based solely on qualification. Imagine the dynamics this liberation brings. Will prejudice and injustice of various kinds be erased more quickly than imposing a quota for equal opportunity? My sister who is visiting from Australia is surprised at all the “junk” we have to include as information. I am equally stunned that they do not in Australia.
A couple of years ago I went to see Sins Invalid, an eye-opening show on disability, sexuality and gender variant. I came away with the knowledge that between black and white (male and female) there are shades and shades of gray in between. Our bodies in all forms and shapes are lovely in their creation. To classify is to exclude and divide. The Australians got it, or at least they are moving in the right direction.
But maybe the Australians do not have the diversity of the USA.