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I Don’t Know Allen Ginsberg

And I couldn’t get past the first four lines of Howl.  I told Gerry Nicosia  I didn’t understand Howl and he stared at me like I was mad.  You call yourself a poet?  (He didn’t say that specifically).  I think he let it go because I was a new friend and a Chinese immigrant and I didn’t  know anything about anybody for that matter.  But seriously, if you’re living in San Francisco and writing poetry…?

I can’t relate to a bunch of guys getting high fucking each other being thrown in jail and psychiatric wards.  My life experiences are that of middle class motherhood hard-working family first self last type of things.  And if Allen Ginsberg is alive today I don’t think we’d be friends.

I watched Howl the movie last night.  James Franco as Allen Ginsberg somehow did not convince me.  Again, what do I know?  My  gut feeling said so.  But the cartoons that accompanied the reading stimulated my dilatory comprehension.  The voice lifted the words from the pages and I laughed and sighed and cringed until his holy holy and I saw what he saw and heard what he was saying and I was blessed and forgiven.
