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Tithes For Poets

Marc Kockinos

A friend once remarked that poetry reading is the best entertainment in town because it is free.  I’m finding out that may only be the case in San Francisco.  In the East Bay and Marin County, a collection is usually encouraged so that the featured poet will walk away with some gas money.  When I went to New York last summer all readings there charged a cover.

When Marc Kockinos came to San Francisco he was shocked that poets receive no compensation when they feature at readings.  The giving spirit is worthy of praise, but aren’t poets, like all artists, deserve some material recognition?  Marc started a weekly reading at Om Shan Tea, a venue at 14th Street and Mission.  At the beginning of each reading he kindly reminds people to contribute.  “Give as you would like to be given.”  The featured poet also receives complimentary tea and meal on the house.

Small gestures can have big impact.  I think it does begin with ourselves.  Even though we read for reading’s sake, the world has to remember poets pay rent and food just like everyone else.

Photo by Ella Seneres


3 thoughts on “Tithes For Poets”

  1. I don’t play music for money, but there is apparently a “music business” and “music industry” that wants to tell me otherwise-the origins of which would be very interesting to find out. Of course I will take what I am given money wise and put out a tip jar and remind folks about support.They almost always put something in there.
    Are we being naive?

  2. Mario, Thanks for reading and commenting on my posts. I think the internet helps poets to get their voices out and sooner or later people will value poetry as much as they do in music.

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