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The Energy Booster

Nothing beats having a deadline to get things done.  Not that I need incentive to work, but without the red light flashing things will just rest quietly under the pile and soon will be forgotten.

Under pressure, almost anything is possible.  Where does the energy come from?  All of a sudden the mind is clear and focused and action action action!

Sprinting toward the finishing line I often swore that it would be the last time I procrastinate.  A friend advised, “To be on time is to arrive early.”  It is definitely wisdom, but the mind seems to need an extra shot of adrenalin from time to time.  There is better way to get that than to have a deadline.

Photo from Shutterstock.



Lawrence Hsu, bassist of Phoenix Ash

There’s no deadline in art.  Creation is a continuous process with periods of quiescence and activities.  Sometimes the medium changes from one form to another and you never know if you’re standing on the threshold of change.  Deadline is for functionality, demanded by those who feel they must have something tangible.  If you believe in art, you have to believe it all the way.  There is no justification.  There is no road map.  Faith is the only thing you hold on to.

Artists are misunderstood creatures often being labeled as dreamers and lazy bums.  No wonder they are depressed, living in an organized world that is measured by the dollar and goes by the ticking clock.  Pragmatic parents withholding their financial support or threatening to ostracize their children in order to kill the artistic tendency is one of the saddest things I witness being a teacher.  They have failed to see the courage behind the artist, taking the road least traveled, making a difference in the world.

Photo credit:  Lei Chen
