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A Change in Energy

Castro Street Fair 2008

Old friends brought back old memories.  My friend Dennis who lives in London is here for a visit.  He reminds me that twenty years ago I was afraid of walking in the Mission and Castro.  The charged energy in those areas was something that scared me.  I worried about his safety; drove him to Castro but would not let him out of the car until he pleaded with me.  Of course I don’t remember any of this.  Since moving to San Francisco, Mission and Castro are two neighborhoods that I love, especially because of the energy.  Aliveness is what they have:  the colors, the wackiness, the tension, the surprises, the sensuality, the mix of people from all walks of life.

Vitality can be  intimidating.  Was I not alive then?


Photo from


Pages…Good Grief!

As much as I like to read, I balk at books that have more than 300 pages.  It seems an impossible task–a steep climb that will never reach the summit.  I’m the kind of person who goes to the end of the book and reads backward, as if by doing so I can grasp the essence of the text with minimum effort.

It’s restlessness, wanting to eat a full meal without taking the time to properly digest everything.  It’s anxiety, being locked into a single volume for an indefinite period of time.  It’s the fear of commitment, wanting to read everything but unwilling to sit down for one.  After I work out all my neuroses I might just be able to read a book.
