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Two Digestions

There’s something about eating. Besides being a pleasurable experience all of its own, it goes well with other activities, like reading and watching movies. Food seems to double the pleasure and encourages focus. Picking the right kind of food then, is important, so that it might sustain the activity but won’t cause too much bodily harm. Chips of any kind and popcorn are not recommended. If you find yourself digging into the bag more often than turning the pages of your book, it’s a bad sign. A bowl of grains or a big salad is preferred because they can be worked on at a much slower pace. My father used to chide me for eating and reading at the same time, said it was not good for digestion. I think that was a myth.

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One thought on “Two Digestions”

  1. Maybe he was right. Shouldn’t one be paying attention to the eating while eating? Too many words going in? Stuck in the mind?

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