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We’ve always been chameleons

How is a person defined? By the person or by others? Most often what we see is skin deep. From the clothes we wear, the manner we speak, the actions we take, we are constantly being classified and typified. In time we come to believe in a particular image or style, whether we like it or not.

We all have aspects of ourselves that are not known to others. Most of the time they are not even known to us! How then shall we begin to explore these aspects?

By abandoning what is known!

Can we abandon what we know in the interest of what we don’t know? Will we lose ourselves in the process?

How can the self be lost when it is allowed to thrive in manifold? It must defy definition. There’s nothing more exciting and terrifying than watching a new limb growing out of an old stump. We have always been chameleons. Why do we think otherwise?


Social Chameleon by Blueisacolour


2 thoughts on “We’ve always been chameleons”

  1. John Cage once said,
    “The problem with a classicist is
    he looks at a tree all he sees is a tree.”
    To John Cage I say,
    “It took me a long time to see that tree.”

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